GameON! Travel Coin Set:

Be An Elite Gamer!

The only set you will need for elegant gaming!

Blog Posts

I ship all over the world

Shipping costs have really gotten out of hand lately.  I prefer to ship USPS flat rate in the US but even that can vary depending the weight of an order.  Even an ounce can raise the shipping costs $5 to $10.  I can always get an exact shipping costs rather than the estimates calculated from here.  This is especially true for shipping outside the US.  Just ask for an exact shipping cost.

Customized Sets?

I get questions periodically about customized set. Yes, I will create a customized set. The most frequently requested customized set requests I get are from Gallerist players. They seem to be very enthusiastic, dedicated group that want to enjoy their game with actual beautiful metal coins rather than the included cardboard chunks that pass for money. They warm my heart! Here are couple of pictures of the Gallerist customized set (see more on BGG Gallerist post:
Gallerist Set). This player request this set:
1 denomination (15 coins), 2 denomination (15 coins). 5 denomination (12 coins), 10 denomination (10 coins), 50 denomination (8 coins), 100 denomination (4 coins). This set costs $32 plus shipping. 
Why play with lousy cardboard chunks when you can have elegant, colorful, lightweight metal coins to enhance your gaming? Interested?  Instead of one customized set, you can upgrade every one of your games with 1 purchase of a Game ON! set. Email me at: 

Dice Hospital Updated with Coins

Dice Hospital is a favorite and very nifty game with the plastic ambulances. However the scoring track and turn recording wheel are awful.  We bump them all the time and need to reset them.  How to fix this?  The Game ON! Travel Coin Set!


Here you can see the score for the person on the bottom (20) and we are on the last turn (turn 8)

BTW: the hospital on the bottom will be shut down shortly due to the excessive mortality rate.


GameHole: 3 games improved with Game ON! Travel Coin Set

I had a great time at Game Hole.  It was well run, the people were friendly and the gaming was very good. Here are just 3 of the games I played that had  awful cardboard chunks for makers or money in otherwise very good games.
(Ark Nova, Dune Imperium, Villagers)



Avoiding Scoring Nightmares using the Game ON! Coin Set part 2

The second is a really benefit from using the Game ON! coin set is nice new game from Red Raven, Now or Never.  I like the game a lot except for the resource marking system.  It uses 6 different sliders. One board bump and good bye numbers. It uses cardboard chunk money.  I was able to replace them completely using the Game On! coins to safely, efficiently eliminate the slider problem as you can see below. Plus the final scoring was a breeze converting everything to coins. This is how you elite game!
In Game using coins instead of sliders
Final scoring was a breeze using coins

Avoiding Scoring Nightmares using the Game ON! Coin Set

I ran across 2 good games recently with huge frustrations in scoring and marking.
Here is the first: Flourish from Starling games. It is a beautifully done gardening game but the final scoring was a nightmare with the turn wheels. We use the Game ON! Coin set for makers and the final scoring was a breeze using the coins as VP. The picture below shows how we did the final scoring neatly and easily.

Going to GenCon this year?  So Der Coinmeister.  You can meeting him at Booth 840 and talk some coins.



Mechanica Using Game ON! coins

We use the Game ON! Travel Coins to replace the cardboard money chunks that came with the game to add some elegance. You can see the comparison here:  

Here is another view. They fit nicely in the hidden coin box – for the elite gamer only

New Games Using the Travel Coin set

We use the coins for markers and money

A nifty solo or 2p fight the bad guys game:

Also an old Oil Mining game:

Here is Raccoon Tycoon with the included money:

Cute money but big and clumsy.

Here is Raccoon Tycoon using the Game ON! Travel Coin set:

Much enhanced play.