GameON! Travel Coin Set:

Be An Elite Gamer!

The only set you will need for elegant gaming!

Travel Coin Cases Arrive!

The Game ON! Travel Case Odyssey ended today with the UPS truck appearing with many boxes. Between Chinese customs, US Customs and 1000 tons of cherries that showed up at the LA airport at the same time as the cases, it took two weeks to get them here.  But I am now able show pictures of coins in the actual case.  You can also see the storage available.  Now we will begin packing the first production run coins in the cases. If you are interested in one of these sets, see the GenCon special page on the right. Otherwise, it is getting ready for the Kickstarter in October.

GenCon was Great (as usual!)

Just got back from GenCon – lots of fun and good gaming.  I did show the coin sets to quite a few people and got almost universally favorable comments.  Here are some pictures using the coins with minis:

Marking lives  

Movement points going around a tree and going uphill