GameON! Travel Coin Set:

Be An Elite Gamer!

The only set you will need for elegant gaming!

About the Coins

Game ON! coins are 25mm in circumference and 2.5mm thick.This is size and weight of a US quarter but twice as thick.

They are made from aluminum then anodized to add the color. Anodizing is a chemical process that adds a colorful coating to metal.  Here are the coins before anodizing:

There are different ways to anodize to provide different colors and finishes.  These elite set coins have a very nice long lasting finish that will retain its color and brightness over time.

The coins are two sided with a pattern and no pattern side.  They can be used as an activated/inactivated token.

In testing sample coins from various mints, I found cheaper coins but there were issues with fading and the anodized colors wearing through. In addition, the colors were mostly pastels.  This mint is the only one that would produce a true red, yellow and white coin.

This set is more expensive to produce but the coins are beautiful to see and a pleasure to hold. The coins are high quality and high durability. As a wise man once told me ” You only cry once when you buy quality”.  I found this repeatedly to be true in my life.  Quality won out over price. (see Kickstart Availability for prices).

I ultimately rejected cheaper choices to produce one quality coin set. This is the set I wanted to buy but couldn’t find.